Chukotkskaya Cudgel

Chukotka Cudgel


It is long 54 cm. Bone carving. Engraving. A copy of the weapons of the Chukchi warrior. In the middle of the 18th century, there were frequent warriors with Koryaks, Kamchadals, Yakuts, and Eskimos of Alaska. In the hands of a skilled warrior, this object was a formidable weapon, the walrus penis, the warrior decorated with symbolic signs and ornaments, as a rule, northern animals, a bear, a wolf, a crow. It seems for the enemy there was little enjoyable to get on the forehead with such a subject.)))) It can be used today as a weapon for self-defense. The cut at the end of the fig is not accidental. The fig often decorated the weapons of the northern Cossacks, which the Chukchi had adopted from them, the fig is also considered to be a remedy for the evil eye from the Slavic peoples))

According to popular belief, a man with this item will remain a man until the end of the years.)). A gift to a man with humor. Gift box. Passport product description.

630 $ .
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